

In Italy, Cittadinanzattiva is one of the associations of the organizing committee of the Campaign "Three Laws for Justice and Human Rights: Torture, Prisons, Drugs," three laws of civilization directed respectively to introduce the crime of torture in the Criminal Code, to amend the law Fini Giovanardi on drugs and restore the rule of law in overcrowded prisons.
The three proposals of popular law were filed in the Supreme Court last January and constitute a real government program to restore the rule of law in our criminal justice system and penal system. 

The first one concerns the introduction of the crime of torture in the Criminal Code and wants to make up for a serious gap in the law of our legal system. In Italy there is in fact the crime of torture although there is an international obligation to do so and although it is common ground that the legal prohibition of torture qualifies as a democratic political system. The chosen text is encoded in the UN Convention.
Read the first proposal (Italian version)


The second one concerns the legality and respect for the Constitution in prison and wants to intervene in the matter of the rights of prisoners and reduce prison crowding, reinforcing the concept of a precautionary measure intramural as a last resort, proposing changes to the law on recidivism Cirielli (Act No. 251 of 2005), requiring the introduction of a "number" on the inputs to prison, so that no one will come for lack of room. Necessity, this is no longer extended on the basis of the recent judgment of the European Court in Strasbourg that condemned Italy for "unworthy conditions in which the prisoners are forced to serve their sentence". Along with the request for the establishment of a national Ombudsman for the rights of detainees, is also proposed for removal of the crime of illegal immigration. 
Read the second proposal (Italian version)

Finally, the third proposal concerns amendments to the law on drugs - which produces a lot of unnecessary incarceration in our country - through the decriminalization of consumption and the reduction of the penalty. It is exceeded punitive paradigm of Fini-Giovanardi law, by decriminalizing consumption by diversifying the fate of a cannabis user from that of heavy substances, reducing the penalties to be served, restoring the centrality of public services for drug addiction.
Read the third proposal (Italian version)

The Campaign about the three laws of popular initiative provides a collection of signatures, already started in all of Italy from 9 April 2013, with the aim of achieving the goal of 50,000 signatures.

The promoters Associations
The three bills are supported by a large cartel of organizations and associations that work to protect human rights, including, in addition Cittadinanzattiva:
A Buon diritto, Acat Italia, L'Altro Diritto, Associazione 21 luglio, Associazione difensori di Ufficio, A Roma, insieme - Leda Colombini, Antigone, Arci, Associazione Federico Aldrovandi, Associazione nazionale giuristi democratici, Associazione Saman, Bin Italia, Consiglio italiano per i rifugiati - Cir, Cgil, Cgil - Fp, Conferenza nazionale volontariato giustizia, Cnca, Coordinamento dei Garanti dei diritti dei detenuti, Fondazione Giovanni Michelucci, Forum Droghe, Forum per il diritto alla salute in carcere, Gruppo Abele, Gruppo Calamandrana, Il detenuto ignoto, Itaca, Libertà e Giustizia, Medici contro la tortura, Naga, Progetto Diritti, Ristretti Orizzonti, Rete della Conoscenza, Società della Ragione, Società italiana di Psicologia penitenziaria, Unione Camere penali italiane, Vic - Volontari in carcere. 

All information about the campaign, points where to collect signatures and initiatives in the program are available on the site

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